sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


     Wishes’ Park

It is located in the north of Medellin city; it is close to planetarium, University of Antioquia, the Botanical Garden, the Explore Park, North Park and music house. 

In this lovely park, Children and adults can learn about astronomy, especially sun interaction with Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars.

In a playful manner,  it is possible to understand how, over the time, water, power and primary communication systems have evolved to become the domiciliary utilities we currently know. Likewise, it has a varied cultural agenda and it also has a modern building made up by stores, restaurants,  a projection box and exhibition hall.

Cultural life:

In this place, children learn in funny way, they can play with water streams or on the sandy beach and adults can enjoy a film, a conference or several cultural activities in the small central square.

Some nice pictures

To arrive to this wonderful park, people can use the Metro and descend in University station. The park is accessible since Tuesday to Sunday since 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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